This past week was quite an exciting one, not only at Utopia Village, but on Utila as a whole. Utopia hosted a t.v. film crew who were shooting an episode for a new series "Into the Drink" which has been picked up by the Travel Channell for 2010. The crew is traveling the world and filming on location where diving is spectacular (7 different dive destinations). Utila was their second stop, they made quite a stir on our little island. In addition to the film crew and and full house of divers, we also hosted Daniel D'Neuville who facilitates a workshop entitled "Being Unstoppable". Daniel's objective is to teach one how to tap into and experience personal transformation. "Transformation is a total new way of being that gives rise to change in behaviors where activities and choice flow naturally and powerfully from a fresh mindset and elevated level of self-expression.". The final ceremony after the workshop was a Fire Walk and Island Style Cook Out. Everyone had the opportunity and choice to walk across a bed of 1200-degree coals (which, by the way I did, it was very empowering and frightening, but I made it). The firewalk creates the distinctions of personal power, courage and unstoppable confidence. The participants learned how to tap into their reserve of mental toughness and focus their mind in powerful new ways to maximize their potential. The t.v. crew got all this in their shoot, quite an unusual event for their new show. The week was crazy, as the crew filmed everything from our chef, to shore dives, to boat dives, to bar activities, to Juca (our manager of dive operations) cranking out Latin songs on his guitar, to the fire walk ceremony, to indepth interviews with us (the owners). Keep an eye out in 2010 for the show, featured on the travel channel. Happy day to all.
photos above, some of the film crew, Daniel leading his workshop, and fire!!