Monday, March 01, 2010

So close and yet so far ........ our elusive whale sharks made their appearance this week, long enough to taunt our divers. Our gentle giants surfaced briefly and descended just as quickly. I suppose this is what makes the encounters so special. Not only are they mammoth in size, but their elusiveness keeps divers coming back on their quests. We had a nice week of a mixture of guests, coming from Canada (again .... Hail Canada), California and Kansas (my home stomping ground). One of our avid divers, Kim(1000+ dives) took over 1500 photos and will be sharing them with us to post on our website. Keep watching for website updates. Our IT-Marketing team has done wonders in reconfiguring and adding new information and photos. If you haven't checked it out lately, go to the photos section, it looks amazing. Some of Kim's photos included great shots of "Ophelia", our 10 foot resident octopus. They "met" Ophelia several times during their night shore dives. These photos should be up on our site very soon. We have a break this week for maintenance and to give our employees a rest. 2010 thus far has been very good for Utopia (and the island as a whole). We're back in gear, full force, on Saturday when we have a new round of divers arriving. The weather is glorious today, Im sending some of our warmth to you folks in the Midwest and Upper East. Looks as if old mom nature is continuing to pound you with snow. Take a break from the cold, we're holding a hammock for you.

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